The Rat cNOR-OL manual gate controls access to and from the experimental chamber of the Rat cNOR-OL Experiment and Holding Chamber. Addition of the cNOR-OL Operators Console for Manual Gate and Chamber Model CI.80514-2 will allow the temporal control times to be set so that the times to open and close the gate and when to change the objects are closely controlled.
The integrated microswitch enables the camera for video recording to be automatically started when the Experimental chambers is open to the rat and stopped when leaving the chamber.
Rat cNOR-OL Auto-gate with 'E' and 'H' chamber photobeams, recording direction of travel and camera trigger.
This control module enables the operator to set the temporal control of the four stages of ‘Continual Trials’ with need of a PC.
The versatile Rat cNOR-OL Experiment and Holding Chamber has a choice of Floor type and Gate type. Additional options of scoring camera and food reward dispenser are available.