CANTAB with Whisker Embedded Software

CANTAB with Whisker Embedded Software

Model 80990


A complete set of CANTAB applications plus WhiskerServer™. Sold as one license copy per Intellistation.



This package includes the CANTAB test applications and the basic Whisker Multimedia Suite necessary to run those applications. It does not allow you to write original programs in any of the many languages supported by Whisker. For this ability, please contact Lafayette Instrument Company.

The Monkey CANTAB application portfolio comprises a battery of tests performed via a touch screen. Batteries are flexible and can be configured by the user. Multiple tests may be linked in the same subject session. Systems may be provided with pellet reward (recommended for the Rhesus monkey) liquid reward (recommended for the Marmoset) or both.

The Monkey CANTAB Test Battery

Newly Released Tasks

  • Conditional Visual Discrimination
  • Concurrent Discrimination
  • Continuous Performance Task
  • Impulsive Choice
  • Rapid Visual Information Processing
  • List-based Delayed Matching/Non-Matching to Sample (a variant of normal D(N)MTS mixing multiple long delays, e.g. 5, 10 & 15 minutes)
  • For additional information on new tasks, download the Monkey CANTAB Intellistation flier via the Support tab.

Reinforcment Familiarization

The aim of this program is to teach the monkeys that the onset of a tone signals the availability of reinforcement. This is the standard signal for the availability of reinforcement across all the cognitive tests.


  • Optional association of reinforcement with 'correct' tone.
  • Reinforcement delivery optionally contingent upon an independent response (e.g. licking).

Training Program

The aim of this program is to train the monkey to touch a solid box that is presented anywhere on the computer touch screen.


  • Up to seven box sizes
  • Boxes may be one of seven colors
  • A touch outside the box restarts the trial
  • Reinforcement delivery optionally contingent upon an independent response (e.g. licking)

Intra/Extra Dimensional Set-Shift and Visual Discrimination (ID/ED)

This set of visual discrimination and reversal tests can be used to study a range of cognitive processes including:

  • Simple associative learning, i.e. learning that a response to a particular stimulus is associated with reinforcement.
  • Selective attention, i.e. learning to attend selectively to a particular dimensional property of the stimulus.
  • Attentional set-shifting, i.e. learning to shift attention from one dimensional property of another stimulus.

The two types of test that make up this program use either simple (one-dimensional) or compound (two-dimensional) stimuli. The dimensions used are color-filled shapes and white lines. Simple stimuli are composed of just one of these dimensions, whereas compound stimuli are composed of both. The stimuli are the same as those used for the human test.


Delayed Matching/Non-Matching to Sample

This program tests the short-term memory using a non-repeating sequence of arbitrary symbols, analogous to the use of junk objects in the WGTA. The symbols used are the same as those used for the human CANTAB Delayed Match to Sample Test.


Spacial Working Memory

This program provides a test of working memory analogous to that tested in rodents with an 8-arm maze. A number of boxes appear on the screen with no obvious pattern. The subject must select each box in turn without revisiting a box once it has been touched. A number of options are available for training the subjects and for varying the difficulty of the task:

  • 16 possible positions, four in each quadrant of the screen.
  • Each trial can have 1 to 16 boxes.
  • Box positions can be random or specified for each trial.
  • The number of boxes in randomized trials can be increased in blocks.
  • A pool of boxes may be specified to act as a source for randomization.
  • Boxes can disappear or change color for any amount of time when touched.
  • The whole screen can be blanked for any amount of time after each correct touch.
  • There is an option to increase task difficulty by reinforcing every correct response, as opposed to only rewarding the terminal response in a trial.
  • Any number of possible colors and shapes for stimuli available.
  • Both initial and secondary colors can be specified for each trial.

Five-Choice Serial Reaction Time

This task is analogous to Leonard's Five-Choice Serial Reaction Time task, which is based on the Continuous Performance test of Rosvold and Mirsky. The subject is presented with a tone (optional) and a set of empty target stimuli (typically five open circles) to signify the start of a trial, whereupon it makes an observing response by pressing a key or a screen stimulus. After a delay a target stimulus is presented for a specified duration in one of five places (e.g. a filled circle appears within one of the five open circles). If the subject touches the filled circle or the place where it was presented, it is reinforced: incorrect responses are punished. The accuracy of the response and the reaction time are recorded.


  • The Delay can be set from a specified list, either in the specified order or chosen randomly from the list, or can be chosen randomly by the computer between a given min and max delay.
  • Minimum key-holding time can be independent or locked to delay
  • A list of stimuli durations can be stipulated, from which either a truly random selection is made or a pseudo random selection is made so that each delay is presented n times in a random order. (The DOS test allowed a balanced presentation of up to five delays.) Stimulus duration can also be reduced following x correct consecutive trials for training purposes.
  • Frequency of stimuli between positions may be varied.
  • One-choice test allows basic reaction timing. A three-choice test is also available.
  • Distracter signal option.
  • Both TRAINING and TESTING modes of operation are provided.

Paired Associates Learning

This is a conditional learning and memory task in which the location of trial-unique patterns must be learned and remembered.


  • Novel patterns on every trial.
  • Each trial repeated until correct (changing order of presentation).
  • Pre-training stage for task familiarization.
  • Two alternative training procedures.
  • Six levels of difficulty - two training and four test.
  • Each session can have multiple (progressive) stages.


This program provides conventional operant schedules of responding to a single fixed square at the center of the screen or on the response lever.


  • FR, FI, VR, VI, or Progressive Ratio.
  • Selectable box size and color.
  • Optional change of color on response.
  • Optional breakpoint.



A comprehensive listing of publications and studies that involve the Whisker systems. Compiled by the creaters of Whisker.

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