Autoshaping (Auto) for Rats

Autoshaping (Auto) for Rats

Model 89544A-R


Adapted for rats, this task measures a Pavlovian response to the screen. This is a very rapidly administered test of simple classical conditioning that is dependent on a reward system centered on the ventral striatum.



The task measures a Pavlovian response to the screen. This is a rapidly administered test of simple classical conditioning that is dependent on a reward system centred on the ventral striatum. White vertical rectangles are presented on either side of the reward tray. One side is always followed by delivery of food reward, the other never. Reward is independent of screen approach. Approaches to the screen are measured via an IR beam detector either side of the food tray. For this task the reward trough is placed in front of the screen.

There is a variant of the task, where reward is only given if the animal does not approach the screen to measure the ability to withhold a response.

Example Neural Systems Involved

  • Ventral Striatum
  • Amygdala
  • Anterior Cingulate Cortex
  • Nucleus Accumbens Dopamine
  • Pedunculopontine Tegmental Nucleus
  • D1 receptors
  • NMDA receptors
  • Amygdala

Clinical Areas Showing Impairment

  • Huntington's

Cognitive Functions Covered

  • Learning
  • Emotional Cognition and responding to reinforcement
  • Cognitive Flexibility and Response Inhibition

Typical Training Times (depends on strain and age)

  • Just a few sessions
  • No pre-training required


Nithianantharajah J, Komiyama NH, McKechanie A, et al. (2013) Synaptic scaffold evolution generated components of vertebrate cognitive complexity. Nat Neurosci.;16(1):16-24. - Abstract

Dalley JW, Chudasama Y, Theobald DE, Pettifer CL, Fletcher CM, Robbins TW. (2002). Nucleus accumbens dopamine and discriminated approach learning: interactive effects of 6-hydroxydopamine lesions and systemic apomorphine administration. Psychopharmacology (Berl).;161(4):425-433.

Inglis WL, Olmstead MC, Robbins TW. (2000) Pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus lesions impair stimulus?reward learning in autoshaping and conditioned reinforcement paradigms. Behav Neurosci.;114(2): 285-294.

Parkinson JA, Willoughby PJ, Robbins TW, Everitt BJ. (2000) Disconnection of the anterior cingulate cortex and nucleus accumbens core impairs Pavlovian approach behavior: further evidence for limbic corticalventral striatopallidal systems. Behav Neurosci.;114(1):42-63.


Required Accessories

Second Generation Bussey-Saksida Touch Screen Chamber for Rats
Second Generation Bussey-Saksida Touch Screen Chamber for Rats
Model 80604A

The Second Generation Bussey Chambers with Intelli-interface supports up to 20 chambers on one PC. On the strength of 10 years of feedback and development, the system is even more flexible and with more features.

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