Blood Pressure System on Mice and Rats Automatic Cuff Inflation for 3 Animals

Blood Pressure System on Mice and Rats Automatic Cuff Inflation for 3 Animals

Model I-3M229SC

  • The only true Validated noninvasive blood pressure system when compared to Telemetry
  • Lifetime Warranty
  • Test results are within five mmHg of Cannulation
  • Low heat method: Rats 30° C., mice at 32° C., others require 36 to 38° C causing modifications of very parameters being tested!
  • Animals: Mice, rats, cats, dogs, Rabbits, swine and monkeys
  • Built-in artifact filter
  • Sensor is built into the cuff, only single component system available on the market
  • Adjustable cuff pressure limit
  • Adjustable deflation rate: 1 to 10 mmHg/ second
  • No Heating pads required due to warming chamber
  • Rectal temperature optional
  • MRI compatible systems


This noninvasive blood pressure test system measures blood pressure on rats and mice via the tail cuff method using the photoelectric tail cuff principal supplying data that has excellent correlation to direct Cannulation as well as telemetry. A three channel systems allows testing of up to three animals at a time and supplying systolic, mean, and diastolic measurements.


The IITC noninvasive blood pressure system for mice and rats requires minimal warming of rats and mice. The rodents should be warmed to an ambient temperature of 30° C for rats and 32° C for mice, which is well below the thermostress level (see NIBP Intro. page). Not like other manufacturers who require high temperatures resulting in heating the animal. Once the animal is heated as high as 38° C in other systems the animal now is at a thermostress level as well as there being a high chance of death since the animal is literally being heated to death!


A unique feature of IITC's amplifier is the artifact filter, which minimizes the breathing and movement artifacts, enabling the user to pick out the endpoints easily. Others claim that this feature is not required with their systems. This is a unique feature from IITC since we know that animals move and their breathing is picked up by our tail cuffs and amplifiers. IITC's cuffs are so sensitive picking up blood pressure signals, a filter has been added to assure the user knows the difference between true blood pressure and other types of artifacts which can appear on a recording. Others do not have this feature since their equipment is not as sensitive. Their recordings do not know if they are viewing blood pressure, breathing, movement or any other type of artifacts that could appear during tail cuff studies.


Amplifier with built-in cuff pump allows for automatic inflation of the tail cuffs. The built-in cuff pump has adjustable cuff pressure limits with automatic cut-off, remote trigger capability, adjustable deflation rate, a manual air release for an immediate pressure drop, and a test termination pressure control which allows for quick 10 to 15 second cycles.


The output on the Model 229 is analog. The instrument has separate outputs for single channel and dual channel (superimposed and split) recording.


The typical pulse amplitude is 100 mV to 1 V. The pressure amplitude is adjustable from one to five volts at 300 mmHg. If Systolic and heart rate are desired, a single channel chart recorder (Model 38L) is sufficient; if the Mean and Diastolic are the desired reading then a dual channel chart recorder is recommended (Model 45L) or the IITC software package (Model 31).


The three channel warming chamber (temperature adjustable between 25 to 34° C) which house's the animals in a constant temperature environment critical to tail cuff blood pressure measurements. Clear acrylic allows complete visuals. The aluminum base holds a whisper fan, producing low level white noise which comforts the animals. The back and front walls have vent holes for exit of air and sensor cables. Tubing ports are provided for the inflating connection.


IITC's Model 303SC chamber with built-in scanner is a simplified scanner that is built into the metal base. This chamber has a signal connection to the input of any of the IITC blood pressure amplifiers. The IITC sensors can be plugged into their respective jacks on the chamber side. The air to the cuffs is also scanned by a manual three stage manifold to avoid edema effects on the extremity. A manual system with this chamber becomes turnkey ready for up to three animals.


No Heating pads or any other type of additional heating accessories are required with this system.

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