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Complete Rat 5/9 Hole Box with Liquid Reward
Model 80600A-CL


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Complete Rat 5/9 Hole Box with Liquid Reward requires one or more of the following products. Check any products that you desire to add and hit "Add Products".

5CSRT Nose Poke Application for Rats
5CSRT Nose Poke Application for Rats

Model 89533NL

Use this application with 5/9 Hole Chambers and ABET II Standard Software

5C-CPT Nose Poke Application for Rats
5C-CPT Nose Poke Application for Rats

Model 89536NL

Like the 5-choice serial reaction task, this task requires the rodent to respond to a brief visual stimulus presented randomly in one of 5 locations. In addition some trials present visual stimuli in all five locations together and for these trials the subject must learn to withhold a response.